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On Monday (6/7), located in the Main Meeting room of the Yogyakarta State University Senate, a Plenary Session of the Determination of Winners of the 2020 UNY Education Workforce Innovation Competition was held, which was attended by the Deputy Deans and Deputy Director of General Affairs and Finance, Secretary of LPPM and LPMPP, Bureau Heads and Expert Staff for General Affairs and Finance. Based on the recap of the value calculation, the following results are obtained:
1st place was Muntaha, M.Eng from FT with the title Optimization and repair of the PJ 250 Projector Profile machine with Local Materials at the JPTM Industrial Metrology Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, UNY, second place, Pramusinta Putri Dewanti, SS from PPs UNY with the title Effectiveness of International Student Management using an Approach Culture, Rank 3 is Rakhmat Rajendra, A.Md., S.Pd. from BUPK, fourth place was the team of Dani Hendra Kristiawan, Arpiaka Harani P, Iin Herlina, from LPMPP with the title Working Online using Cloud Computing and Microsoft Office-365, and fifth place Heri Kurniawan, S.Pd., ME with the title Application of Culture Yogyakarta in Public Service at UNY as an Effort to Maintain Nationalism and Cultural Identity and Strengthening UNY University Branding towards World Class University from BAKK.
This activity, which is a series of activities for the 56th Anniversary of UNY, is held in order to prepare HR competencies for UNY academic staff to be motivated by honing critical thinking as outlined in a narrative which is the result of a dialogue between facts and theory about efforts to prepare quality human resources. This article writing competition is a medium for expression for all UNY human resources ready to face the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. The scientific essay writing competition is designed to improve the social literacy needed by all citizens. The awarding ceremony was held on Friday (27/11). In this activity, it was also handed over by relay to the host of the 57th Anniversary of UNY by Plt. UNY Chancellor Prof. Dr. Margana, M. Hum to FIP UNY represented by Vice Dean II of FIP UNY, Bambang Saptono, M.Sc.
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