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Tracer Study
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Dear Mr/Mrs./Alumni of MMEE
This tracer study questionnaire aims to determine the Alumni of the Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (JPTM FT UNY) within a certain period to obtain various important information needed to develop the department in the future.
The entries from Mr/Mrs as Alumni or Alumni Users are instrumental for us to find out the relevance of learning on campus to the community's needs, both in terms of academic management and the contribution of the department to the development of society as a whole.
This entry does not mean to judge you individually but purely for academic purposes. The results of this field will also not affect your career. We will also maintain the confidentiality of this data as well as possible. Therefore, it is hoped that you can fill out this questionnaire according to the actual conditions.
We thank you for your excellent service and cooperation. May Allah always give you ease and goodness. Amen.
Please fill out the following questionnaire.
You also need to fill in some of the following links to ensure the quality of the implementation of the MMEE Study Program lecturer's tridharma can be felt by you.
Kontak Kami
Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. +62274-550836 (front office), Hunting +62274-586168, Psw. 229; 285; & 367
Fax. +62274-520326
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