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Prof. Dr. Maizam Alias from the Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, was a guest speaker in an international publication workshop attended by lecturers from the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (10/29/2019) in the Meeting Room of the KPLT Building. According to him, there are many factors that influence the intention to write so that a strong commitment is needed to overcome various personal obstacles to start writing.
"After various obstacles can be overcome, good morale and mood must be maintained to produce good writing," he continued.
"When writing is ready, the next step is to find the right journal for publication media, both related to the scope, frequency of publication, and various things that fit the needs and focus of our article," he added.
Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Maizam revealed various reasons that made the rejection is the focus of the paper that is not aligned with the scope of the intended journal, such as focusing on teacher skills while the scope of the journal is on student learning or papers on mathematics education while the scope of the journal is TVET
"Then the paper which is only reporting without deep analysis and relevance is not clearly articulated," he said.
"It could also be a rejection because there is no appropriate focus on research or it does not provide relevant justification," he continued.
In addition, make sure that the language used is really capable of conveying messages that are in accordance with the intentions of the writer, "he said.
"Scientific papers must be arranged systematically so that they are easy to understand, and must hold scientific meaning that can be accounted for," said Prof. Dr. Maizam Alias.
Meanwhile the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Cooperation of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, Moh. Khoirudin, Ph.D., explained that this workshop aims to improve the quality and strength of publication, especially articles in international journals.
According to Khoirudin the article published by the lecturer in order to be published in international journals was indexed because it was a strategic effort to increase accreditation in accordance with the provisions of the National Higher Education Standards.
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