There are four students (S2 and S3) UNY Postgraduate, namely Abd. Aziz Bouty (S3 Technology & Vocational Education), Vici Syahril Chairani (S2 Technology & Vocational Education), Fendy Wijarwanto (S2 Mechanical Engineering Education), and Mashudi (S2 Family Welfare Education) have completed academic activities (research and lectures) in the International program Student Mobility held at the Technische Universitat Dresden (Germany) for three months (April – June 2019), with funding sources in the form of scholarships from ERASMUS+. The ERASMUS program itself is a student exchange program in the European Union established in 1987 and is part of the EU Lifelong Learning Program, and is the operational framework of the European Commission's initiatives for higher education.

Previously, these four students were successfully selected to take part in the International Student Mobility Program in collaboration between Yogyakarta State University (Indonesia) and Technische Universitat Dresden (Germany) through a selection carried out by the UNY Postgraduate cooperation field for S2 and S3 students from the PTK Study Program, MMEE, PTE, and PKK in the UNY Postgraduate scope.

While at the Technische Universitat Dresden (Germany), students carry out various academic activities. For postgraduate students attending lectures, seminars, and other international students and doctoral students and other international students were attending doctoral colloquium, workshops, seminars, and research proposal/dissertation writing guidance. In addition, several other supporting activities, such as German language courses, and visits to IHK and Berufschüle, saw firsthand the learning process in vocational schools in Germany.

During the implementation, this program was coordinated directly by the Head of the Technology and Vocational Education Study Program, Prof. Dr. Mochamad Bruri Triyono, M.Pd, with Prof. Thomas Koehler. He is the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Education (Erziehungswissenschaften) Technische Universitat Dresden.

Participating in this program can provide students with experience, seeing firsthand how the implementation of vocational programs in developed countries, especially in Germany, which is known to be very successful in carrying out dual system programs, is expected to increase students' understanding of vocational practices which can later be developed. Become researches that support vocational education in Indonesia.