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The curriculum of the Master's Degree Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program consists of Scientific Foundation courses, study program expertise courses, elective courses, additional skills skills courses, and matriculation courses. The number of semester credits that must be taken is 40 credits. The distribution of courses in semester 1 to semester 4 is as follows.
No |
Code |
Course |
Credit Score |
Semester |
Credit Score |
Total |
T |
P |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
I. Common Courses on Foundational Science |
7 |
1. |
PPS 8201 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
2. |
PPS 8202 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
3. |
PPS 8303 |
3 |
3 |
0 |
3 |
II. Compulsory Specific Courses |
29 |
1. |
MES8201 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
2. |
MES8202 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
3. |
MES8203 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
4. |
MES8204 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
5. |
MES8205 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
6. |
MES8206 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
7. |
MES8207 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
8. |
MES8308 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
9. |
MES8209 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
10. |
MES8316 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
11. |
MES8217 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
12. |
MES8618 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
III. Elective Courses *) |
4 |
1. |
MES8210 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
2. |
MES8211 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
3. |
MES8212 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
4. |
MES8213 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
5. |
MES8214 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
6. |
MES8215 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
Total Credits |
15 |
14 |
5 |
6 |
40 |
VI. Matriculation**) |
4 |
1 |
MDK 6201 |
Educational Science |
2 |
2 |
2 |
MDK 6202 |
Educational Psychology |
2 |
2 |
Catatan :
*) Elective courses are taken at least 4 credits
**) Matriculation courses must be taken by non-educational students, the course code adjusts the undergraduate study program to be held with independent study or attend lectures with a separate schedule.
Distribution of Graduate Learning Outcomes with Mechanical Engineering Education Master's Degree Program Courses
Code |
Course |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
PPS8201 |
Philosophy of Science |
PPS8202 |
Statistics |
PPS8303 |
Research Methodology |
MES8201 |
Vocational Education and Training Management |
MES8202 |
Development of Vocational Education Curriculum |
MES8203 |
Vocational Learning Model |
MES8204 |
Evaluation of Vocational Learning |
MES8205 |
Metal Welding and Fabrication Technology |
MES8206 |
Conventional Machining Technology |
MES8207 |
Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) |
MES8208 |
Technology CNC Machining and CAM |
MES8209 |
Production Automation |
MES8316 |
Thesis Proposal |
MES8217 |
Academic Writing |
MES8618 |
Thesis |
MES8210 |
Occupational Health and Safety |
MES8211 |
Industrial Metrology and Quality Control |
MES8212 |
Material Mechanics |
MES8213 |
Machine Maintenance and Repair |
MES8214 |
Production System |
MES8215 |
Technical Analysis Method |
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
No | Deskripsi Mata Kuliah |
1 |
Philosophy of Science
This course is 2 credits. This course equips students to understand philosophy (ontology, epistemology, and axiology), science, science, philosophy of science and the scope of philosophy of science. In addition, students will also explore the means of scientific thinking, scientific and scientific methods, theories about truth, and scientific truth. Furthermore, students will gain experience in the implementation and implications of the philosophy of science on the scientific method or research method, and its implementation to develop their respective scientific fields in accordance with the mechanical engineering education study program.
2 |
Research Methodology
This course weighs 3 credits. This course describes knowledge of educational research methods and their application in solving educational problems. General descriptions of research methods include: (1) types of research; (2) research stages; (3) identification of research variables; (4) topic selection and research problem formulation; (5) preparation of literature review and formulation of research hypotheses, (6) population and samples; (7) data collection methods and tools; (8) measurement scale; (9) data analysis, interpretation of data analysis results and discussion of research results, (10) qualitative research methodology, and (11) drafting of thesis proposals.
3 |
This course is 2 credits. This course discusses the role of statistics in research, probability theory, characteristics of statistical distributions and sampling distributions that are widely used: Binomial, Normal, Chi-square, student-t, and Fisher. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for hypothesis testing of various data analysis techniques: correlation analysis, regression, analysis of variance, further test of analysis of variance, use of several nonparametric statistics. The data processing program includes basic concepts, applications, interpretation of the results of data analysis, for example the use of the SPSS program package.
4 |
Vocational Education and Training Management
This course is 2 credits. This course equips students with the ability to: (1) understand the basic concepts of education and training management and apply management functions in managing education and training resources; (2) planning the training program starting from the analysis of training needs and curriculum development; (3) recognize various kinds of training and learning strategies and media; (4) recognize the education and training resource management strategy which includes human resources, facilities and infrastructure and education and training financing; (5) understand various models of education and training leadership, training quality control, and training evaluation. Learning uses an andragogy approach that emphasizes independent learning and field studies. The final assessment of learning outcomes is a combination of grades from attendance, activity in class, midterm exams, weekly assignments and presentations of field visits, proposals for training activities and end-of-semester exams.
5 |
Development of Vocational Education Curriculum
This course is 2 credits. This course equips students with the ability to understand and comprehensively analyze the concepts of planning, implementing, and evaluating curriculum as well as being able to develop technology and vocational education curricula. The courses generally contain material on the meaning, dimensions, functions, and roles of the curriculum; foundation for curriculum development; curriculum development components; principles of curriculum development; curriculum development and organization models; technology and vocational learning approaches, strategies, and models. Lectures are carried out either with lectures, class or group discussions which are equipped with assignments for observations and critical analysis of the practices of developing technology and vocational education curriculum.
6 |
Vocational Learning ModelThis course is 2 credits. The purpose of vocational education is to produce a skilled workforce. To produce skilled workers, a learning model that involves a lot of motor skills is needed. This course will provide the students of Master of Mechanical Engineering Education with various modern active learning models that are widely applied in Vocational High Schools (SMK). The lecture will start on Facts about the human brain; multiple intelligences; Vocational learning philosophy; Prosser's theory; Characteristics of vocational education; Characteristics of vocational education. Then students are invited to practice directly through simulation of Learning Models: Project Work Learning, Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), Quantum Teaching and Learning (QTL), Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Inquiry Training Teaching Models, and Role Playing Models. play). At the end of the lecture, students are invited to simulate Lesson Study.
7 |
Evaluation of Vocational Learning
This course is 2 credits. The purpose of this course is to provide broad insight into Vocational Learning Evaluation, including utilizing the results of the evaluation itself. Therefore, they need to be facilitated and encouraged to master: concepts of learning evaluation, types of learning evaluation (eg CIPP, Stake Scriven etc.), types of assessments for learning improvement, validity, reliability, how to develop tests, item analysis, and practice item analysis theoretically and empirically using relevant programs (software) such as iteman. The learning of this course is in the form of lectures, questions and answers, discussions, assignments, presentations and practice.
8 |
Metal Welding and Fabrication Technology
Welding and Metal Fabrication Technology courses consist of 2 credits (1 credit of theory and 1 credit of practicum). This course equips students with theoretical concepts and theories on the application of welding processes and the formation of metal materials. This course equips students to be able to analyze and choose welding processes, make welding work steps and test them based on welding standards such as ASME or AWS or other standards used in the industrial world. The courses are carried out in theory and practice in the laboratory.
9 |
Conventional Machining Technology
Conventional Mechanical Engineering courses have a weight of 2 credits (1 credit of theory and 1 credit of practicum). This course aims to equip students in mastering the concepts, theories and applications of conventional machining techniques in small, medium, and large industries. The concept of machining technique includes the basic theory of metal cutting on several kinds of machine tools (lathe, milling, drill, and grinding). Machining theory includes mastery of the theory of determining cutting conditions and machining process elements (V, f, a). The application includes the preparation of work steps and SOPs for the machining process in the workshop/industry/school.
10 |
Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD)
This course has 2 credits (1 credit of theory and 1 credit of practicum), it is mandatory to pass. The course content includes: brief design orientation (understanding of design, design steps, design ideas and concepts, innovation and creativity); geometric modeling (sketch drawings, assembly drawings, explode drawings, working drawings); technical analysis (product size determination concept); economic analysis (product costing concept); product design evaluation (network planning); presentation of working drawings. A means of learning the design and drawing process using CADD (Solidwork/Inventor/Autocad) software.
11 |
Technology CNC Machining and CAM
The CNC and CAM Machining Technology course has 2 credits (1 credit for theory and 1 credit for practicum). This course aims to equip students to master the theoretical concepts and theories of the application of CNC and CAM machining technology used in the manufacturing industry. Materials include: setting CNC machines, operating CNC machines, and programming the Fanuc and ISO versions of CNC machines. Programming CNC machines using manual programming of input data using a CNC machine simulator and programming with CAM using Mastercam software. Practical activities include: preparation of worksheets. The practice is carried out using computer facilities and CNC machines in the FT UNY CNC lab.
12 |
Production Automation
This course provides students with an understanding of the forms of application of production automation systems, various automation systems, control principles and automation working principles as the basis for automation, instrumentation technology and process control. This course is carried out by means of lectures, class discussions and group discussions, which are completed with the assignment of observations in the workshop/laboratory.
13 |
Thesis Proposal
This course includes two parts, namely: writing a thesis proposal and a proposal seminar with a weight of 3 credits consisting of 2 credits of theory and 1 credit of practice. This course discusses the procedure for making a thesis proposal in accordance with the guidelines for writing a thesis and dissertation. The course content includes: determining the title, compiling the background of the problem, compiling a literature review, compiling relevant research, compiling research methods. In the next section, the proposals that have been prepared are presented in class or seminars at national seminars.
14 |
Academic Writing
This course is 2 credits. This course provides students with the skills to write articles in accredited national journals or reputable international journals. The course content includes: preliminary preparation, methods, research results, conclusions and references.
15 |
Thesis is a compulsory graduation course for students of the PPs UNY Masters Program as one of the requirements for completing studies to obtain a Master's degree. As a final project, the Thesis must meet the following requirements: (a). can be accounted for scientifically under the guidance of lecturers, (b). has a high value for the development of theory and practice in the field of education and/or non-education with the support of empirical facts, (c) is innovative, develops knowledge, technology, and/or art in the field of education or non-education or professional practice, and (d). demonstrate the ability of students to think and work to solve problems of science, technology, and/or art in the fields of education and non-education through an inter- or multi-disciplinary approach.
16 |
Occupational Health and Safety
The purpose of the Occupational Safety and Health (K3) course is to provide students with provisions to be able to apply K3 principles in workshops or laboratories. Occupational Safety and Health which stands for K3 are all activities to ensure and protect the safety and health of workers through efforts to prevent work accidents and occupational diseases (PP 50 of 2012). The purpose of K3 is to maintain the health and safety of the work environment. K3 also protects co-workers, workers' families, consumers, and other people who may also be affected by working environmental conditions.
17 |
Industrial Metrology and Quality Control
This course discusses the basic concepts of linear measurement of manufactured products which include the concept of product geometric quality; the rules of linear measurement; Recognize and understand the principles of standard and positional tolerance; recognize the principles and use of various types of linear measuring equipment both mechanical, electronic, optical and others; perform measurements of manufactured products such as measuring various types of gears, external and internal threads, inner and outer cones and slopes, radius, surface roughness, and other complex shapes; perform calibration of linear measuring equipment, perform maintenance of measuring instruments; managing measuring equipment; recognize and understand the principles of quality control in manufactured products.
18 |
Material Mechanics
Mechanics of materials, also called strength of materials, is a topic that deals with the behavior of solids under stress and strain. The complete theory begins with a consideration of the behavior of one- and two-dimensional members of the structure, stating that stress states can be estimated as two-dimensional, and then generalized to three dimensions to build a more complete theory of the elastic and plastic behavior of materials. The study of the strength of materials refers to various methods of calculating the tension and stress in structural elements, such as beams, columns, and shafts. The method used to predict the response of a structure under load and its susceptibility to various failure modes takes into account material properties such as yield strength, maximum strength, Young's modulus, and Poisson's ratio.
19 |
Machine Maintenance and Repair
This noble eye discusses knowledge about: (1) management of machine repair maintenance which includes: spare parts, personnel, maintenance, maintenance plans, maintenance, maintenance administration; (2) maintenance organization which includes facility maintenance organization and infrastructure maintenance; (3) understand the concepts of maintenance of machine parts/components, machine component units, and maintenance of a machine's work system and (4) understand the concept of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). The learning method uses problem based learning in terms of analyzing treatment management, implementation of care, and evaluating the results of the treatment process.
20 |
Technical Analysis Method
Provide material to students about the application of basic mathematical theory and its development in the field of engineering, especially in the field of mechanical engineering. The teaching materials include: Coordinate Systems, Engineering Functions, Differential Equations, Integral Equations, Complex Variables, General Series Functions (Binomial Series, Power Series and Taylor Series), Laplace Transforms, and Fourier Series.
21 |
Production System
Production System is a series of operations that process or process inputs in the form of raw materials, intermediate products, parts, components and/or subassemblies to produce value-added outputs or final products. (finished good) by using resources from elements of technology (machinery, equipment, production facilities and energy) and elements of organization (labor, management, information and capital). Production system includes activities of design (design), procurement (procure), manufacture (produce), storage (store), delivery (deliver) and service (service).
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